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Spring in the Berkshires


It's a lovely day, if you are a duck, or perhaps simply love the gloomy days in between the promise of summer ones. But honestly, the daffodils are everywhere in my community, their bright colors do brighten up these kinds of day. It might even snow today, and it was 80 degrees 3 days ago!

I have started my gardening. For the past 11 years I have started almost every spring with good intentions of flowers and vegetables, check in with me August 1, we will see how things are going. So far I am on my second try of 2 kinds of tomatoes (roma and 4th of July) thyme, rosemary, sage, and basil. Maybe they will take, perhaps I should check on them after work this evening. I also planted peas, parsley, cucumbers, and 2 types of lettuce for a first attempt Sunday afternoon. I have learned that oregano is a perennial that keeps coming up in the raised bed, so that saves some disappointment. I planted a few other herbs in the other bed last spring and am hoping they are also going to come back.

Gardening really is a new experience for me. Every year has been trial, error, and learning. It does appear that the lupines I have been attempting for several years, may have taken root and are coming up this time! The 100 daffodils that were planted the beginning of November are up, and many of the tulips too. Perennials are my end goal for the flower beds, there was definitely a good start in our yard with many day lilies, grasses, and shrubs, but not a cohesive plan, yet.

With the start of gardening, comes a slowdown of baking, which is my other strong interest. I wouldn't say either hobby I am particularly good at, nor are they a passion, but learning new techniques in both has been fun. Perhaps the best argument for having children young is that when they are grown up and on their own, one is still able to develop new hobbies and interests and have more time for them. There are still plenty of cool evenings in the next 6-8 weeks for the recipes on the chalkboard to get made. The people at work appreciate my attempts and makes everything that is brought in dissappear fairly quickly.

This is all the incomplete musings I have in my head for today. Please feel free to check in periodically for more.


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2 commentaires

RayeLin Merry
RayeLin Merry
30 mai 2023

I’d love to see your chalkboard and what you will or have been baking… I baked so much when the kids were little maybe I should get back into it… I’m enjoying gardening cucumbers and tomatoes come easy to me I’m trying some new veggies we will see what happens… I wish we lived closer :)


07 mai 2023

Well, if gardening is a new experience for you... I'm doomed! But that's okay, no desire or interest to become one! Grateful to have friends that share their abundances! 😉

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